Cardiolipin as Key Lipid of Mitochondria in Health and Disease
30 September - 1 October 2015, Florence, Italy

[updated 29.05.2015]

Dear colleague,
This message is to let you know that we are organizing a second workshop dedicated to cardiolipin, the signature lipid of mitochondria, as a satellite meeting to the 13th Euro Fed Lipid congress to be held in Florence, on 27-30 September 2015.  

This time, the idea is to draw more connections between cardiolipin research and human pathophysiology.     

We would like to draw your attention to the final program of the cardiolipin workshop, now available here on this website.
This one-day workshop will offer the opportunity to discuss various aspects of basic cardiolipin functions in biomembranes of prokaryotes and animal cells.

  The Euro Fed Lipid will help with the organization of this meeting. The workshop will start in the afternoon of September, 30th and will end the following day.

The cardiolipin meeting of this year will also offer the opportunity to the Italian Barth families to meet. The meeting of the families of patients with Barth Syndrome will be held in the morning of September 30th, before the start of the scientific workshop.

We hope you might be interested in attending the workshop and trust that you can also help us to advertise the meeting. We would like to encourage the participation of young scientists, including postdocs and students.  

We look forward very much to meeting you in Florence.  

Best regards,  
Corcelli Schlame
Angela Corcelli
Associate Professor of Physiology
Department of  Basic Medical Sciences, Neurosciences and Sensory Organs
University of Bari A. Moro
Bari, Italy
Michael Schlame
Associate Professor; Director of Cardiothoracic Anesthesia
Departments of Anesthesiology and Cell Biology
NYU Langone Medical Center
New York, USA

Abstract Upload

[updated 23.02.2015]

To upload your poster please follow the two steps below:


To prepare a one page abstract, please use this model and store your abstract as rich text format (.rtf) on your computer (no .pdf please!)


Scientific Programme

[updated 28.04.2015]

-Cardiolipin alterations in pathophysiology
-Interactions with respiratory complexes and other mitochondrial proteins
-Role in membrane dynamics and morphology
-Structural and functional analogies with prokaryotic cardiolipins

Ann Bowron (Bristol, UK)
Peter Bütikofer (Bern, CH)
Steven Claypool (Baltimore)
Miriam Greenberg (Detroit, USA)
Grant Hatch (Canada)
Valerian Kagan (Pittsburg, USA)
Patrice Petit (INSERM, France)
Andreas Reichert (Düsseldorf, Germany)
Christian Reynolds (Detroit, USA)

Final Programme

Wednesday, 30 September 2015


Welcome Address

Session 1: Cardiolipin in Pathophysiology
Chair: Günther Daum


Ann Bowron, Bristol, United Kingdom
Cardiolipin in Barth syndrome: Experience of providing a Diagnostic Service in the UK


Andreas Reichert, Düsseldorf, Germany
Mitochondrial Apolipoproteins are Subunits of the MICOS Complex and Link Cristae Membrane Architecture to Diabetes


Grant Hatch, Winnipeg, Canada
The Role of Cardiolipin in Blood Brain Barrier Transport


Christian A. Reynolds, Detroit, US
Cardiolipin Profiles following Hypoxia-ischemia in the Neonatal Rat: direct Analyses of Intact Mitochondrial Membranes using MAI-IMS-MS


Poster Session and Welcome Reception


Social Dinner

Thursday, 1 October 2015


Session 2: Cardiolipin as “deus ex machina” of Mitochondrial Function
Chair: Michael Schlame


Valerian Kagan, Pittsburgh, US
Art is the Elimination of the Unnecessary: the (fat)al Role of Cardiolipins


Steven M. Claypool, Baltimore, US
Cardiolipin and OXPHOS's other required Players


Patrice X. Petit, Paris, France
Cardiolipin Deficiencies and their Impact on Cell Death Signalization and Autophagy Dysregulation


Coffee Break


Miriam Greenberg, Detroit, US
The Role of Cardiolipin in Energy Metabolism


Peter Buetikofer, Bern, Switzerland
Cardiolipin Synthase in T. brucei: a Model System to study Cardiolipin-dependent Protein Expression and Identify Interaction Partners


[updated 28.04.2015]
The registration fee for the cardiolipin satellite is 50 Euro per Person (+VAT)


[updated 29.05.2015]

Lectures: September 10th
Posters: September 10th
Registration without lectures/ posters: no deadline

The Venue/Accommodation

[updated 29.05.2015]
The congress takes place at the
Firenze Fiera Congress and Exhibition Center
Piazza Adua, 1 - 50123 Firenze
Telephone: +39/55/49721, Fax: +39/055/4973237

Map of the location

The congress center is located directly at the main station. On the area there the satellite takes place in the "Affari" buidling, room Adua One

The meeting of the Barth families will be held in the morning of September 30th in the in the Adua One Hall. Details on the meeting of the Italian Barth families will follow soon.

Florence Congress Booking is the official conference reservation system of Florence, realized by Firenze Convention Bureau and used by national and international associations to offer their conference attendees a safe and convenient way to book their stay in Florence.

When you stay outside the official housing hotels, you miss out on a big part of the meeting experience and networking opportunities with your colleagues. Thanks to the numerous partnerships and premium relationships with most of the hotels of the city, Firenze Convention Bureau is able to guarantee the best available room rates and reservation policies. Use the code 15G002 and get the best rates offered for the conference at:


[updated 29.05.2015]

Angela Corcelli
Associate Professor, Physiology
Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Neurosciences and Sensory Organs
University of Bari “A. Moro” Piazza G. Cesare, 70124 Bari, Italy
Ph: +39 080 5448530, Fax: +39 080 5448538

Michael Schlame
Associate Professor, Director of Cardiothoracic Anesthesia
Departments of Anesthesiology and Cell Biology
NYU Langone Medical Center, , 550 First Avenue, New York, NY 10016, USA
Ph: +1 212 263 5720

Simona Lobasso (Local Organizer)
PhD, Physiology
Department of Basic Medical Sciences, Neurosciences and Sensory Organs
University of Bari “A. Moro”
Piazza G. Cesare, 70124 Bari, Italy
Ph: +39 080 5448519, Fax: +39 080 5448538