13th Euro Fed Lipid Congress
"Fats, Oils and Lipids: New Challenges in Technology, Quality Control and Health"
27-30 September 2015, Florence, Italy
hosted by SISSG
[updated 07.10.2014]
Dear Reader,
the Italian Society for Fats and Oils Researches (Società Italiana per lo Studio delle Sostanze Grasse - SISSG) is proud to host the Euro Fed
Lipid congress 27-30 September 2015 in Florence.
The symposium will be hosted in Firenze Fiera Congress and Exhibition Center located inside the 18th century Villa Vittoria, at walking distance
from the historical centre of one of the most beautiful towns of Italy, rich of artistic masterpieces, with an ancient history rich of arts and
Palazzo Vecchio, Piazza della Signoria, Ponte Vecchio, the Dome, Galleria degli Uffizi are world wide well known symbols of this ancient town,
where Leonardo da' Vinci began his work, before moving to Milan and other Europeans towns.
Tradition in hosting science in Florence dates back to 1753, when the "Accademia dei Georgofili" was established, the headquarter is in the Uffizi
Gallery building.
With such a background, the choice for the 2015 Euro Fed Lipid congress in Italy was really easy!
Science, however is still alive in Florence and its region, Tuscany, with different University (Florence itself, Pisa, Siena) and a number of
research centre (National Research Council of Italy - CNR) where research is actively carried out on several topics, enclosing Agricultural
and Food Science which are the basis of the topics to which Euro Fed Lipid looks to.
Tuscany agricultural landscape is well known for food production and some of these like extra virgin olive oil will be one of the topics of
Euro Fed Lipid congress, however, within the frame of a developed agricultural and food industry production, other topics like Plant lipids and
oilseeds as well as Animal Science will surely meet interests outside of the "traditional" Euro Fed Lipid attendants.
Social program could surely ensure a number of interesting possibilities while the traditional gala dinner will be hosted at Palazzo Borghese,
a wonderful ancient residence.
Symposium topics will be Analytics, Authenticity & Lipidomics, Bioscience, Biocatalysi & Biochemistry, Lipid oxidation & Antioxidants, Lipids in
animal Science, Health and Nutrition, Microbial & Algae lipids, Oliseeds, Plant breeding & Plant lipids, Oleochemistry & Biodiesel, Olive oil,
Physical chemistry, Processing, sustainability & Industrial innovation.
The Scientifc Committee, established by involving scientists from Europe and outside and SISSG will be delighted to welcome an huge number
of Lipid Scientist in Florence!
Gerrit van Duijn Rotterdam, The Netherlands Euro Fed Lipid President
Lanfranco Conte University of Udine Congress Chairperson
Sponsoring, Advertising
[updated 14.11.2014]
For a list of sponsorships suggestions in a broad range of budgets
If you have other needs please contact us. Early deciders enjoy a longer visibility!
There will be no table-top exhibition in Florence. Exhibitors are kindly asked to participate next year.
Scientific Committee
[updated 16.03.2015]
Noelia Aldai Elkoro-Iribe, University of the Basque Country, Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain
Carine Alfos, ITERG, Pessac, France
Ramon Aparicio, Instituto de la Grasa, Sevilla, Spain
Paolo Bondioli, SSOG, INNOVAHUB, Milano, Italy
Frederic Carriere, Universitè d' Aix-Marseille, France
Yuen May Choo, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Massimo Cocchi, University of Bologna, Italy
Lanfranco Conte, University of Udine, Italy (chair)
Angela Corcelli, University of Bari, Italy
Günther Daum, University of Technology, Graz, Austria
Ignace Debruyne, ID&A, Izegem, Belgium
Frederic Domergue, CNRS, Bordeux, France
Eric Decker, University of Massachusetts, Amherst/MA, USA
Eckhard Flöter, Technical University of Berlin, Germany
Giacomo Gaudenzi, Unigra S.r.l., Conselice, Italy
Christian Gertz, Hagen, Germany
Michel Lagarde, University of Lyon, France
Gianni Morchio, Technoil, Imperia, Italy
Kalanthi Nesaretnam, MPOB, Brussels, Belgium
Maria Christina Nicoli, University of Udine, Italy
Vittorio Dell'Orto, University of Milano, Italy
Maurizio Servili, University of Perugia, Italy
Gerrit van Duijn, Vlaardingen, The Netherlands (chair)
Pierre Villeneuve, CIRAD-AMIS, Montpellier, France
Francesco Visioli, University of Padova, Italy
Opening Lecture:
Philip C. Calder University of Southampton UK "A Consideration of the Fatty Acid Composition of Foods in Order to Promote Human Health"
European Lipid Science Award Lecture:
Yussuf A. Hannun Stony Brook University Cancer Center, Stony Brook NY/USA
"The Universe of Bioactive Sphingolipids"
European Lipid Technology Award Lecture:
Martin Mittelbach University of Graz Austria "Fuels from Oils and Fats: Highway or Dead-End?"
Chevreul Medal Lecture:
Bernadette Delplanque University of Paris South Orsay France "From ALA to DHA: still a long Way to go"
Wilhelm Normann Medal Lecture:
Werner O. Richter Institute of Lipid Metabolism and Haemorheology Windach Germany
"Different Effects of Dietary Fatty Acids in Individuals with Cardiovascular Risk Factors"
Main Topics/ Keynote Lectures:
-Analytics, Authenticity, Lipidomics: Anna Nicolaou, University of Manchester, UK
"Lipidomics of Oxygenated Fatty Acids"
-Bioscience, Biocatalysis, Biochemistry: to be announced
-Lipid Oxidation and Antioxidants: Felix Aladedunye, University of Lethbridge, Canada
"Curbing Thermo-oxidative Degradation of Frying Oils: Current Knowledge and Challenges"
Charlotte Jacobsen, DTU Aqua, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark "Lipid Oxidation in n-3 PUFA Enriched Emulsified Foods and Strategies for their Stabilization"
-Lipids in Animal Science: Pierluigi Delmonte, Food and Drug Administration, College Park/MD, USA
"Application of Novel Emerging Technologies for the Analysis of Animal Fatty Acids"
-Health and Nutrition: Andrea Poli, Nutrition Foundation of Italy, Milano, Italy,
"Omega-6 Fatty Acids and Health: an Unbiased Critique of the Available Evidence"
-Microbial and Algae Lipids: Antonio Molinaro, University of Napoli, Italy
"Microbial Cell Wall Lipoglycans as Keywords in the Dialogue with the Eukaryotic Host
-Oil Seeds, Plant Breeding and Plant Lipids: Frederic Beaudoin, Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, UK
"Oilseed Crops as integrated production platforms for Food, Feed, Fuel and Renewable Industrial Feedstock"
-Oleochemistry, Biodiesel: Sylvain Caillol, CNRS, Montpellier, France
"Synthesis of Biobased Building Blocks from Vegetable Oils:
A Chemical Platform Approach for Polymer Synthesis"
-Olive Oil: Maurizio Servili, University of Perugia, Italy
"The Olive Fruit is just an Oil Source? An Overview on the Virgin Olive Oil Quality, Technology and new Products"
-Palm Oil: Yuen May Choo, MPOB, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia:
"Breakthrough in Palm Oil Genomics" -Processing and Sustainability: S. Balchen, Alfa Laval, Soeberg, Denmark
"Refining while optimising by-product Valuation: Focus on Deodorisation Step"
Post Congress Satellite Workshop/Course
[updated 23.04.2015]
Cardiolipin as key lipid of mitochondria in health and disease
30 September - 1 October 2015, Florence, Italy
11th Practical Short Course: Functional Lipids
Oils and Fats Emulsions, and their Applications in Food Systems
Saturday and Sunday, September 26-27, 2015 - Florence Congress & Exhibition Center – Palazzo degli Affari, 4th Fl, Florence, Italy www.smartshortcourses.com
The scientific committee has started to accept abstracts for oral communications (20 min incl discussion) and poster presentations.
To submit your contribution please follow the two steps below:
To prepare a one page abstract, please use this model and store your abstract as rich text format (.rtf)
on your computer (no .pdf please!)
IMPORTANT: Please avoid long file names and blank spaces in the filename. Those are causing software errors.
Register for the congress
Lecture Abstracts: 26 February 2015
Poster abstracts to be included in the printed programme: 11 March 2015
Poster abstracts to be included in the book of abstracts: 1 July 2015
Poster Presentations
[updated 22.07.2015]
The space for poster displays in the congress center is limited to roughly 230 posters, which may not be enough to display all posters at all times.
Thus, the poster sessions will be split to allow the display of all posters.
In case not all posterwalls will be needed to display the "Sunday only" posters, those walls will be available for Monday-to Wednesday posters on Sunday as well.
Check the status on arrival. If you determine that "your" wall is empty on Sunday, it is perfectly fine to hang your Mon-Wed poster from Sunday.
Aditionally, we will offer to all poster authors to upload an .pdf of their poster to an E(lectronic)- poster display device which will be
available for all delegates.
Registration is valid after receipt at the Euro Fed Lipid headquarters. Conference tickets will be handed out at the registration desk.
[updated 30.01.2015]
until 07 August 2015
after 07 August 2015
495 Euro+VAT***
560 Euro+VAT
565 Euro+VAT
610 Euro+VAT
Student Member with poster (proof needed)
60 Euro+VAT
110 Euro+VAT
Other Students (proof needed)
110 Euro+VAT
160 Euro+VAT
* Euro Fed Lipid or Euro Fed Lipid Member Associations
** The student status is granted to undergraduate, postgraduate and Ph.D. students. Please provide a suitable proof of your student status with the registration (e.g. copy of the student card, confirmation of the institute or similar).
*** In Italy the Registration fees are subject to value added tax (where applicable).
The registration fee includes:
-Entry to the scientific programme, poster sessions
-Book of abstracts
-List of participants
-Free registration for the opening mixer
-Coffee Break beverages
After registration you will receive an invoice.
Paying by Bank Transfer:
Please transfer the total fees (free of bank commission) to:
Euro Fed Lipid e.V.
Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt/ Main
Account No. 2401 610 00
BLZ 500 700 24 (Routing Number)
IBAN DE 71 500 700 240 240 1610 00
Please quote your reference number.
Paying by Credit Card
We accept Visa, MasterCard and AMEX
Cancellation Policy
Cancellations must be in writing and are effective after written confirmation by Euro Fed Lipid.
Cancellations received on or before 04 August 2014 will be refunded minus a 50 Euro processing fee.
After that date until 1 September 2014, the cancellation fee is 100 Euro. There will be no refund for cancellations
after 1 September 2014 or No-Shows. However, substitute participants can be named anytime without costs.
If the congress is cancelled for whatever reason, paid fees will be refunded.
Further recourse is excluded.
The Venue/Accommodation/Travel
[updated 23.10.2014]
The congress takes place at the
Firenze Fiera Congress and Exhibition Center
Piazza Adua, 1 - 50123 Firenze
Telephone: +39/55/49721, Fax: +39/055/4973237 info@firenzefiera.it
The congress center is located directly at the main station.
On the area there are two buildings where the congress takes place:
Palazzo dei Congressi (upper picture)
Located inside the 18th century Villa Vittoria, Palazzo dei Congressi boasts a prestigious auditorium which
can host up to 1,000 people.
Palazzo degli Affari
Planned by Architect Pierluigi Spadolini and opened in 1974, Palazzo degli Affari is a modern venue successfully
combining contemporary architecture with a more modern technology.
Florence Congress Booking is the official conference reservation system of Florence, realized by Firenze Convention Bureau and used by national and
international associations to offer their conference attendees a safe and convenient way to book their stay in Florence.
When you stay outside the official housing hotels, you miss out on a big part of the meeting experience and networking opportunities with your
Thanks to the numerous partnerships and premium relationships with most of the hotels of the city, Firenze Convention Bureau is able to
guarantee the best available room rates and reservation policies.
Get the best rates offered for the conference at:
Travel Information:
By plane
The international airport 'Amerigo Vespucci', is located in the north-west suburban area of Florence. There are many airlines
arriving there and connecting the city to some of the most important European airports. The airport is only 4 km from the city
centre, which can be easily reached by taxi or with the Ataf/Sita 'Vola in Bus' shuttle service (around 15/20 minutes), connecting the airport to the main central railway station of Santa Maria Novella.
At the airport you can also find the main car rental agencies.
Info: Florence Airport Company: Tel. +39.055.30615 +39.055.30615
Many visitors decide alternatively to fly to Pisa (Galileo Galilei Airport, www.pisa-airport.com) which is 50 min by train or
Bologna (www.bologna-airport.it), 37 min by train, or even Rome (90 min by train).
By train
The main central railway station of Santa Maria Novella (one of the most important railway junctions as well as an interchange
point of the Florence public transportation) is located just a few steps (2 minutes on foot) from the main entrance of the
congress-exhibition area and from the main reception of Firenze Fiera, located on the ground floor of Palazzo degli Affari.
Info: www.trenitalia.it
By car
Florence is well connected to the main Italian cities through an efficient motorway network, which allows an easy access
to the city centre, where the congress and exhibition centre is located.
[updated 03.03.2015]
The congress dinner takes place Tuesday, 29 September 2015, 19:30 at the Palazzo Borghese, Via Ghibellina 110 (walking distance 1,5 km from the congress center)
In the heart of the ancient Florence, a few steps from Piazza del Duomo and Piazza della Signoria, Palazzo Borghese is one of the most important
examples of neoclassical architecture in
Tuscany. Even if it still has a impressive facade, this palace is often unnoticed, because of the street's narrowness. Once you have entered the
Palazzo, its beauty and splendor are
The Main Stair brings you to a floor where you will find the Sala Specchi (the Mirror Room), the ancient bedroom of Paolina Bonaparte. This beautiful
room gets its name from the
ten pure gold large mirrors, framed by golden stuccos and surrounded by chandeliers which multiply the perspectives and reflect the flashing of the
big central chandelier, with 150 torches
totally made of golden wood and Boemia glass. From the Mirror Room (Sala degli Specchi), through the Red Room, the Apostle's Room (with a curious
fireplace Impero Style) and the
Yellow Room, you reach the Galleria Monumentale, the real jewel of the palace. All the Salotti Monumentali are finely furnished, everyone in a
different color. Corner sofas stuffed
with flowered satin and elegant golden wooden "consolles" perfectly fit with the painted vaults of the rooms.
The Sala del Consiglio is characterized by a curious fireplace "Impero Style".
Twelve chairs with a typical back remind us of ancient meetings. The Galleria Monumentale can be used for a banquet of 300 people The Sala degli Specchi will hold a maximum of 100
people. The other smaller rooms can hold from 10-50 people. For the more important events with a bigger number of participants it is possible to use the entire palace for a max. of 550
people. The last restoration during 1994, has finally brought back the palace to his ancient splendor, giving it moreover all those kind of comforts which are necessary to make it a
functional, elegant meeting location.
Registration is required.
Price: 90 Euro + VAT (where applicable)
The dinner is kindly sponsored by
[updated 08.08.2012]
(Wikipedia) Florence is the capital city of the Italian region of Tuscany and of the province of Florence. It is the most populous
city in Tuscany, with approximately 370,000 inhabitants, expanding to over 1.5 million in the metropolitan area.
Santa Maria del Fiore, Source Wikipedia, Public Domain
Ponte Vecchio, Source Wikipedia, Author Linda Pollari
Located on the banks of the River Arno, Florence is famous for its history and especially its importance in the Middle Ages
and during the Renaissance, its art and architecture and, more generally, for its cultural heritage. A centre of medieval
European trade and finance and one of the wealthiest cities of the time, Florence is considered the birthplace of the
Renaissance, and has been called the Athens of the Middle Ages.
A turbulent political history includes periods of rule by the powerful Medici family, and numerous religious
and republican revolutions. From 1865 to 1870 the city was also the capital of the recently established Kingdom of Italy.
Portrait of Lorenzo the Magnificent. 1555-1565. Agnolo di Cosimo, known as Agnolo Bronzino; the workshop.
Tin, oil painting. Florence, the Uffizi Gallery
Palazzo Vecchio, Source Wikipedia, Author Georges Jansoone
The Palazzo Vecchio is the town hall of Florence. This massive, Romanesque, crenellated fortress-palace is among the
most impressive town halls of Tuscany. Overlooking the Piazza della Signoria with its copy of Michelangelo's David
statue as well the gallery of statues in the adjacent Loggia dei Lanzi, it is one of the most significant public places in Italy.
The historic centre of Florence attracts millions of tourists each year, and Euromonitor International ranked the city
as the world's 72nd most visited in 2009, with 1,685,000 visitors. It was declared a World Heritage Site UNESCO in 1982.
Due to Florence's artistic and architectural heritage, it has been ranked by Forbes as one of the most beautiful cities
in the world, and the city is noted for its history, culture, Renaissance art and architecture and monuments.
Source: Wikipedia, Author Chris Wee
The birth of Venus, Sando Botticelli (1445-1510), Uffizi Gallery
The city also contains numerous museums and art galleries, such as the Uffizi Gallery and the Pitti Palace, amongst others,
and still exerts an influence in the fields of art, culture and politics.
[updated 20.07.2012]
European Federation for the Science and Technology of Lipids e.V.
Postfach 90 04 40
60444 Frankfurt/Main
Phone: +49 69/79 17-533
Fax: +49 69/79 17-564
E-Mail: info@eurofedlipid.org
Congress Dinner
[updated 03.03.2015]The congress dinner takes place Tuesday, 29 September 2015, 19:30 at the Palazzo Borghese, Via Ghibellina 110 (walking distance 1,5 km from the congress center)
In the heart of the ancient Florence, a few steps from Piazza del Duomo and Piazza della Signoria, Palazzo Borghese is one of the most important examples of neoclassical architecture in Tuscany. Even if it still has a impressive facade, this palace is often unnoticed, because of the street's narrowness. Once you have entered the Palazzo, its beauty and splendor are dazzling.
The Main Stair brings you to a floor where you will find the Sala Specchi (the Mirror Room), the ancient bedroom of Paolina Bonaparte. This beautiful room gets its name from the ten pure gold large mirrors, framed by golden stuccos and surrounded by chandeliers which multiply the perspectives and reflect the flashing of the big central chandelier, with 150 torches totally made of golden wood and Boemia glass. From the Mirror Room (Sala degli Specchi), through the Red Room, the Apostle's Room (with a curious fireplace Impero Style) and the Yellow Room, you reach the Galleria Monumentale, the real jewel of the palace. All the Salotti Monumentali are finely furnished, everyone in a different color. Corner sofas stuffed with flowered satin and elegant golden wooden "consolles" perfectly fit with the painted vaults of the rooms.
The Sala del Consiglio is characterized by a curious fireplace "Impero Style". Twelve chairs with a typical back remind us of ancient meetings. The Galleria Monumentale can be used for a banquet of 300 people The Sala degli Specchi will hold a maximum of 100 people. The other smaller rooms can hold from 10-50 people. For the more important events with a bigger number of participants it is possible to use the entire palace for a max. of 550 people. The last restoration during 1994, has finally brought back the palace to his ancient splendor, giving it moreover all those kind of comforts which are necessary to make it a functional, elegant meeting location.
Registration is required.
Price: 90 Euro + VAT (where applicable)
The dinner is kindly sponsored by