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Follow-up Workshop:

Ringtest on the detection of thermally treated olive oils and discussion of new criteria

19. September 2005, Hagen, Germany

On the 27th of May 2005 and on the 19th of September 2005, two workshops were held on the analysis of olive oils, organized by the German Society for Fat Science.
Each meeting was attended by 40 participants from Italy, Spain, France, Belgium and Germany, representing industry, academia, food control and resellers.
The aim of the two workshops was to discuss the applicability of the determinations of pyropheophytin A or Cold-Index and the 1,2-1,2 isomerisation of diacylglycerols. The results of a ringtest with both methods were also discussed. In the final discussion on 19 September 2005 the audience agreed on nine conclusions as a summary of the presentations and the need for harmonisation of criteria for extra vergine olive oils.

Statement and Conclusions

Pheophythine Method

Diglyceride Method

Final Evaluation TMP, Acidity, DiffReal, Diglycerides (ppm)

Final Evaluation Determination of Pyropheophytins

Programme of the Workshop held on the 19th of September:

19. September 2005:
07.30    Registration

08.00    Welcome
08.15    Applicability of analytical methods for olive oil inserted in the Regulations ECC 2568 and 796 to detect alterations and manipulations
09.00    New analytical procedures proposed by Serani and Gertz for analysing olive oil and their application in the routine analysis in 2005
09.30    Discussion and presentation of the ringtests results:
              Method A:      Determination of isomer diglycerides
              Method B:      Determination of Cold-Index and other criteria
 10.00   Coffee break
 10.30   What is going on in the German market ?               
              What are the main reasons of complaints about olive oils by Food Inspection Agencies ?
11.00    Report on the newest developments in analysing olive oil in Italy                    
11.30    The influence of the storage on extra virgin oil quality and some analytical parameters 
12.00    Methods to check identity and origin of olive oils.
12.30    Lunch
13.00    Discussion on methods, limits and further proceedings (Boers, WEJ-Eurofins, Hamburg,  Kowalski, Institut Nehring,Braunschweig)
15.00    Coffee break
15.30    Closing discussion and resolutions.
16.00    End  


Dr. Christian Gertz, Chemisches Untersuchungsamt Hagen, Germany


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Fettwissenschaft (DGF)
Postfach 90 04 40, 60444 Frankfurt/Main, Germany
Telefon +49/69/7917-533, Fax +49/69/7917-564
E-Mail: amoneit@dgfett.de

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